Useful tools and tables!

Convert Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS) to Decimal Degrees

Degrees: Minutes: Seconds:

Convert Decimal Degrees to DMS

Decimal degrees

Latitude and Longitude DMS to DD (and vice-versa) batch converter on Excel

Click to download a spreadsheet with a VBA module that batch-converts Lat-Long from Degrees Minutes Seconds to Decimal degrees and vice-versa. Make sure you enable macros in order to run on your machine

UTM batch converter

Click to download Steven Dutch's UTM converter spreadsheet. This is not my work, the author permits distribution with attribution

Useful tables and Maps

Ellipsoid name: Semi Major axis (a): Semi Minor axis (b): Flattening (f): Inverse flattening (1/f): Comments:
WGS84 6378137.0 6356752.314245 0.00335281066474748 298.257223563 WGS84 is both an ellipsoid and an almost-complete CRS on its own (the only thing it doesn't specify is a projection so most proj4 systems will default to Equirectangular). The ellipsoid is a very slightly amended GR80 ellipsoid.
GR 80 6378137.0 6356752.3 0.003352811 298.257 Is the basis for the WGS84 ellipsoid. The difference is imperceptible for topographic applications
WGS 72 637813.0 6356750.5 0.003352783 298.260 Deprecated. Superseded by WGS84
Australian 1965 6378160 6356774.7 0.003352895 298.250 Don't know
Krassovsky 1940 6378245.0 6356863.0 0.003352333 298.300 Used in Pulkovo 1942 and all its derived PCSs such as Stereo 70. Very popular in ex-USSR and still highly relevant
North American 1927 6378206.4 6356583.8 0.003390075 294.979 Superseded by NAD83 for State Planar
Hayford 1909 6378388.0 6356911.9 0.003367011 296.999 Deprecated but highly relevant. Was the default choice in Europe before the adoption of ETRS89 (datum based on the WGS84 ellipsoid). It was used in ED50 and therefore all its derived PCSs. It is still used in Monte Mario
International 1924 6378388.0 6356911.9 0.003367011 296.999 This is the Hayford 1909. It was renamed when the IUGG officially adopted it in 1924
Clarke 1880 6378249.1 6356514.9 0.003407550 293.466 Don't know
Clarke 1886 6378206.4 6356583.8 0.003390075 294.979 Don't know
Airy 1830 6377563.4 6356256.9 0.003341 299.325 Used in the OSGB36 datum and therefore the British National Grid
Bessel 1841 6377397.2 6356079.0 0.003343 299.153 Don't know
Everest 1830 6377276.3 6356075.4 0.003324 300.802 Don't know

The following locations were used as prime meridians in their own right before the adoption of Grenwich. For almost all of them I could find logged offsets on the proj.4 library files so I used those (format: Degrees, Minutes, Seconds). Conversion to DD is my own work, but as will be immediately obvious the conversion is to more decimal points than the DMS dataset. Again, I shall bear no responsibility for erroneous calculations.

Name Countries of use Offset from ITRS in DD Offset from ITRS in DMS
Greenwich UK, Global 0 0 °
Lisbon Portugal, Old European Maps -9.1319061 9° 7' 54.862" W
Paris France 2.3372292 2° 20' 14.025" E
Bogota South America -74.0809167 74° 4' 51.3" W
Madrid Spain -3.6879111 3° 41' 16.48" W
Rome Italy 12.4523333 12° 27' 8.4" E
Bern Austria 7.4395833 7° 26' 22.5" E
Jakarta Indonesia 106.8077194 106° 48' 22.79" E
Ferro Limit of the Old World -17.6666667 17° 40' 0" W
Brussels Belgium 4.367975 4° 22' 4.71" E
Stockholm Sweden 18.0582778 18° 3' 29.8" E
Athens Greece 23.7163375 23° 42' 58.815" E
Oslo Norway 10.7229167 10° 43' 22.5" E
Pulkovo Russia 30.266667 30° 19' 36" E